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De-stressing After the Holidays

The holidays are just about over, so the celebrations, gala festivities, and merriment are coming to an end. No more sleeping well into the morning hours, eating a late breakfast or partying away into the night. No matter how hard we try to stretch those vacation days, an untimely end hits us in the face. Winding down is never easy.

5 Tips to Extend Your Smartphone Battery

It happens all the time. You're out, away from a phone charger, and you've been checking your social media and searching the internet a little too much. Your phone pops up a "Low Power" notification, and you lose your mind. "What am I going to do for the next two hours before I get back to my charger?", you think.

Saved By An App

A new mobile app can help first responders save stroke patients’ lives, the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery reports.

Do You Have an Unhealthy Work-Life Balance?

Having a healthy work-life balance is important, yet a net survey reveals that only 40% of Americans achieve it. Groupon said it surveyed 2,000 Americans on their levels of stress and what they would do to relax if given the chance.