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Some Good News on Retirement Savings

Twenty-three percent of working Americans increased their retirement savings contributions this year compared to last year, the highest reading in six years of polling, according to a new report from Another 16% indicate they have reduced their contributions over that time.

Retirement: Filling Pension Gaps

After a lifetime of hard work, many people expect to retire in some comfort and enjoy their remaining years. In some lines of work, especially public service professions like police and firefighting, the retirement package is a big part of the recruitment process.

Turn Your Internship Into Your Career

You've fetched coffee, made copies and done all the typing and filing for an entire department. Congrats! You've finally finished your summer internship! In many ways, just going back to school would be a wonderful relief, but you might be looking for more.

Money Tip: 3 Tricks to Retire Rich

The difference between working yourself to death and retiring to live a life of comfort is smaller than you think. We like to believe in the simple caricature that rich people retire rich and poor people don't retire. The truth is, much of the difference between retiring and continuing to go to work every day comes down to a few simple choices.

Easy Money: Take Advantage of 401(k)

Long gone are the days of traditional pensions. With so many companies offering 401(k) plans, how successful you are in saving for retirement is up to you. Here's some advice to help you engage in your 401(k) and how to maximize this opportunity: